Charlie Bear Simmons, affectionately known as Chuck, Chuckles, Little Man, Toodle Noodle, and a host of many other names was born on April 23, 2009 in Raleigh, NC. Charlie began life in Raleigh, NC with his mom, Asha and soon after transferred to live with his grandparents in Walterboro, SC. No one knew just how much their lives were missing until Charlie came into it. Charlie held a feisty personality that could be compared to a rottweiler in a toy poodle's body, neither fearing or backing down from anyone or thing. Yet, once the feisty introduction was over, Charlie would melt into the arms and heart of anyone he encountered.
Throughout his life, Charlie battled a series of illnesses but he never allowed them to change his loyalty or personality in any way...he always kept the same energy. Charlie’s favorite toys were remote control cars and other electronically moving gadgets. Charlie also enjoyed getting groomed and wearing clothes.
On February 26, 2024, our family’s heart was broken and will never be the same. It is our prayer that Charlie’s journey across the rainbow bridge has brought him happiness, joy, comfort, and love. It is our prayer that we will someday hold him in our arms again, filled with joy for all eternity!
We miss you everyday. We love you so much Charlie Bear.
Asha, Ma-ma, Pa-pa, Aunt Yeyah, and Dee Dee